Scholarship World


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Germany Scholarships For Law Students

Study Scholarships for Law Students

Study scholarships are only awarded to
excellently-qualified graduates or young university teachers holding a first degree in the field of law, who are appropriately involved in the Law Department at their university. They will have opportunities to complete a postgraduate or Master's degree course at a German university and to gain a degree in Germany (Master's/Diplom).

Depending on the length of the chosen degree course or study project, the study scholarship will be awarded for between 10 and 24 months. Initially, scholarships are awarded for one academic year and can be extended for students with good study achievements to cover the full length of the chosen degree course.


  • The DAAD will pay a monthly award of 715 euros plus travel and luggage costs and a health insurance allowance.
  • Tuition fees cannot be paid by the DAAD.


  • Applications for DAAD study scholarships are open to excellently-qualified graduates who, at the latest when they commence their scholarship-supported studies, hold a first degree (Bachelor's, Diplom or comparable academic degree).
  • Besides previous academic achievements, the most important selection criterion is a convincing presentation of the applicant's academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany.
  • Applications must either include the notification of admission issued by the German host institution for the desired degree course, or, if this is not the case, then the notification of admission must be presented to the DAAD before the scholarship-supported studies begin. The scholarship award letter from the DAAD only becomes effective once the holder has been admitted to studies.

  • Good German language skills are generally a requirement for studying in Germany. Exceptions are possible when scholarship holders are enrolled in degree courses which are instructed in English. The DAAD may fund attendance of a German language course at a language school in Germany before the scholarship-supported studies begin. This is free of charge to the scholarship holder.

  • The age limit at the time of when the scholarship-supported stay begins is 32.

  • Applicants who already have been in Germany for more than one years at the time they begin the scholarship-supported studies cannot be considered.

Application deadline: 15 October each year

For details on application papers, please contact DAAD Information Center.

icon Download Application Form (207.01 KB)

Germany Traineeships For Thai Student

Practical Traineeships for Thai Students (IAESTE)


Practical training placements for students of the above mentioned subjects are arranged by the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). Placements are, however, only available to countries with a National IAESTE Committee. Within the DAAD, unit 225 is the German National IAESTE Committee

Usually, traineeships are two to three months in duration with various firms, institutions of higher education and research institutes. In individual cases, traineeships of extended duration can be arranged.

Trainees are usually paid 615.- € per month; the DAAD, however, is not able to grant additional funds to cover travel costs


  • Specific information on conditions of eligibility is available from the National IAESTE Committee of the member country concerned.
  • Language Proficiency: Requirements regarding language proficiency of German differ greatly; some firms require their foreign trainees to have a good knowledge of German, many others however only ask for some basic knowledge necessary for communication at work. In some cases a good knowledge of English is sufficient.
  • Training placements recruited in Germany are offered exclusively by the responsible National IAESTE Committee abroad, which in turn arranges placements for German university students. Unfortunately, the DAAD is unable to arrange traineeships for individual foreign applicants, except within the framework of the IAESTE exchange scheme
  • Precise information on when to submit applications is available from the IAESTE Thailand.
Adress: IAESTE Thailand
Office of the President, Room 1003
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok
1518 Pibulsongkram Rd.
Bangsue, Bangkok 10800

Telephone: +66 (0)2 912 2009 (direct line)
+66 (0)2 585 8541-9 Ext. 1025, 1193
Fax: +66 (0)2 912 2009

Students of the stated subjects interested in a training placement in Germany should contact IAESTE Thailand:

Germany Fellowship For Thai Student

Short-term Research Grants (1-6 months) for Thai Student

These fellowships are offered through the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the home country. They are available to very highly qualified (among the best in their country) foreign graduates and young academics for the purpose of carrying out research projects of limited duration. This applies in particular to data collection for a PhD dissertation to be submitted at home.


  • In the case of PhD candidates applying, the research work must already be at an advanced stage;
  • Candidates must have a recent-dated letter from a professor at a German university expressing willingness to receive the candidate at his or her institute to carry out the specified research work under his or her supervision;
  • Candidates must be no more than 32 years of age upon commencement of the grant.

Applications have to be submitted via the German Embassy around mid October. For the exact application deadline please check the DAAD IC website or contact the German Embassy

For additional information on research grants for limited, specialized medical studies, click here.

icon Download Application Form (207.01 KB)

Official website

Germany Fellowship For Thai Student

Cooperative Doctorate Programme ("Sandwich Scheme")

As a special type of long-term research fellowships the DAAD will provide support for a "sandwich" structure of studies and scholarship combining periods of study and research in Germany with those in the home country of the applicant and leading to a PhD in the home country.

The "sandwich" structure requires:

  • Established contact between the home university and the German institution;
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a PhD programme at a university in their home country;
  • Academic supervision needs to be secured on both sides, with mutual agreement on the proposed study or research programme between the respective advisers (who may even visit each other for joint monitoring).
  • The length of studies and research at a German institution is 1 - maximum 2 years.

The DAAD scholarship only covers the period of study in Germany. This means that expenses for the period in the home country generally have to be borne by the applicant. Applicants therefore are strongly advised to apply for domestic funding to support the study period at home.

Essential prerequisites for "sandwich" scholarships:

  • Candidates must possess a Masters degree and a certificate of German/English language test;
  • Candidates must be residing in their home country at the time of application;
  • Candidates should not be more than 36 years of age on commencement of the scholarship;
  • Candidates must possess a recent-dated letter of placement from a professor at a German university.
icon Download Application Form (207.01 KB)
Official website

Germany Fellowship For Thai Student

Long-term Research Fellowships for Thai Student

The fellowships are offered annually through the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The fellowships are announced between June and August each year, after which application forms and information leaflets are made available by the embassy or the DAAD Information Center. The complete application has to be at the embassy around mid October (check website for announcement at "DAAD Newsflash"). The fellowships are initially granted for one year (preceded by a six-month language course if appropriate). The scholarship may be extended if the project undertaken by the scholarship holder makes a prolonged stay necessary, provided good progress has been made. The fellowships are open to exellently-qualified graduates from universities, faculty members and researchers at research institutes of national importance.

Essential Prerequisites of the Fellowship:

  • Candidates must possess a Masters degree and a certificate of German/English language test;
  • Candidates must be residing in their home country at the time of application;
  • Candidates should not be more than 32 years of age on commencement of the scholarship;
  • Candidates must possess a recent-dated letter of placement from a professor at a German university;
  • Candidates must be permanently employed; employers must undertake to re-employ them on return.

Also see "Sandwich Scheme"
For additional information on research grants for limited, specialized medical studies, click here.

icon Download Application Form (207.01 KB)

Official website

Germany Fellowship for experienced researchers

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award

For academics who have already gained international recognition in their fields. Award winners are invited to spend a period of six to twelve months on academic collaboration with specialist colleagues in Germany. Value of the award: 45,000 EUR.

Scientists and scholars, internationally renowned in their field, who completed their doctorates less than twelve years ago and who in future are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on their discipline beyond their immediate field of work, are eligible to be nominated for a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award.

Award winners are invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks.

The Humboldt Foundation grants up to 25 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Awards annually.

Nominations may be submitted by established academics in Germany. Direct applications are not accepted. The award is valued at 45,000 EUR.

Nomination Requirements

  1. The nominee must be recognised internationally as an outstanding researcher in his/her field (e.g. awards, positive responses to publications, etc.).
  2. Expectation that the nominee will continue to produce cutting-edge achievements which will have a seminal influence on the discipline.
  3. Doctorate completed less than twelve years ago.
  4. Detailed expert opinion by an academic working at a research institution in Germany who would like to invite the nominee to spend time researching in Germany.
  5. Expert reviews by important international and German collaborative partners and/or academics.
  6. The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.

To make a nomination, please only use the nomination documents which can be downloaded here.

Nomination requirements

Download programme information and nomination documents

Selection procedure

Initial Sponsorship

Alumni Sponsorship

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers


Germany Fellowship for experienced researchers

Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researchers

For academics from developing countries to do a research project relevant to development policy which, being carried out in Germany, facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technologies to developing countries. Duration: 6 to 18 months. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years.

Submit an application if you are a researcher from a developing country with above average qualifications, completed your doctorate less than twelve years ago, al-ready have your own research profile and are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or have a record of several years of independent academic work. A Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6−18 months) you have selected yourself in cooperation with an academic host you have selected yourself at a research institution in Germany. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years.

Scientists and scholars of all disciplines from developing and threshold countries (excluding China, India and Turkey; c.f. detailed list of countries) may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly at any time. The research proposal must address issues of significant relevance to the further development of your country of origin and, in this context, promise to facilitate the transfer knowledge and methods to developing and threshold countries.

The Humboldt Foundation grants up to 60 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually.

Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed.

Application Requirements

  1. Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than twelve years prior to the date of application. If it is not possible or customary to take a doctorate in the candidate's subject or country, applications may be submitted up to twelve years after commencing publication activity.
  2. The candidate's own research profile documented by a comprehensive list of academic publications in reviewed journals and for publishing houses.
  3. Choice of a research project of major relevance to the future development of the candidate's country of origin, including options for transferring knowledge and methods; details of the research project and the proposed timetable must be discussed with the prospective host prior to application.
  4. Confirmation that research facilities are available and a detailed expert's report from an academic host at a research institution in Germany.
  5. Expert references from important collaborative partners and/or academics from the candidate's own institute and, if possible, from abroad.
  6. Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English;
  7. The applicant may not have spent an extended period in Germany prior to application. Applications to continue a research stay already underway can only be considered in exceptional cases. If in doubt, candidates who have been in Germany for more than six months at the time of application should consult the FAQs and check with the Humboldt Foundation ( whether formal requirements have been met before submitting an application.
  8. Principal place of residence and work in a developing or threshold country (excluding China, India and Turkey, c.f. detailed list of countries).
  9. The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.

To apply, please only use the application documents which can be downloaded here.

Application requirements

Download programme information and application documents

List of countries

Selection procedure

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers

Initial Sponsorship

Alumni Sponsorship


Germany Fellowship for experienced researchers

Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers

From abroad to sponsor a 6 to 18 month research stay at a research institution in Germany. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years.

Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, completed your doctorate less than twelve years ago, already have your own research profile and are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or have a record of several years of independent academic work. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6-18 months) you have selected yourself in cooperation with an academic host you have selected yourself at a research institution in Germany. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years.

Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly at any time. The Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 600 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually.

Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed. You can find other important information in the Programme Information and the FAQ.

Application Requirements

  1. Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than twelve years prior to the date of application. If it is not possible or customary to take a doctorate in the candidate's subject or country, applications may be submitted up to twelve years after commencing publication activity.
  2. The candidate's own research profile documented by a comprehensive list of academic publications in internationally-reviewed journals and for publishing houses.
  3. Confirmation that research facilities are available and a detailed expert's report by an academic host at a research institution in Germany; details of the research project and the proposed timetable must be discussed with the prospective host prior to application.
  4. Expert references from important collaborative partners and/or academics from the candidate's own institute and, if possible, from abroad.
  5. Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.
  6. The applicant may not have spent an extended period in Germany prior to application. Applications to continue a research stay already underway can only be considered in exceptional cases. If in doubt, candidates who have been in Germany for more than six months at the time of application should consult the FAQs and check with the Humboldt Foundation ( whether formal requirements have been met before submitting an application.
  7. The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.

To apply, please only use the application documents which can be downloaded here.

Application requirements

Download programme information and application documents

Selection procedure

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers

Initial Sponsorship

Alumni Sponsorship


Germany Programme for Junior Research group leaders

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

Programme for junior research group leaders

For successful top-flight junior researchers who may use the award to spend five years carrying out research of their own choice at research institutions in Germany and building up their own working groups.
Value of the award: 1.65 million EUR.

Submit an application if you are a successful top-rank junior researcher from abroad, only completed your doctorate with distinction in the last six years, and are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or have a record of several years of independent academic work. The Sofja Kovalevskaja Award allows you to spend five years building up working groups and working on a high-profile, innovative research project of your own choice at a research institution of your own choice in Germany.

Scientists and scholars from all disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly by 4 January 2008. The Humboldt Foundation will be able to grant up to eight Sofja Kovalevskaja Awards in 2008. The award is valued at 1.65 million EUR.

You can find other important information in the Programme Information and in the FAQ.

Nomination Requirements

  1. Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed with distinction less than six years prior to the date of application. Should it not be possible or customary to take a Ph.D. in your subject or country of origin, you may apply up to ten years after completing your Master's or Diploma Degree provided that your publication record is commensurate with a Ph.D. and your current career stage.
  2. Cutting-edge academic achievements documented by a comprehensive list of academic publications for internationally-reviewed journals and publishing houses.
  3. Detailed expert's report by an academic host at a research institution in Germany as well as the host's agreement and the administrative agreement from the host institution.
  4. Expert references by important collaborative partners and academics at the applicant's own institute and other institutes, if possible not all located in his/her country of origin.
  5. Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.
  6. Origin: Foreign academics staying in Germany are eligible to apply if they have not been working in an academic capacity in Germany for more than two years at the time of application. German academics are eligible to apply if they have been working in an academic capacity abroad for at least five years at the time of application. If in doubt, check with the Humboldt Foundation ( before submitting an application as formal grounds might militate against the application.
  7. The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.

To apply, please only use the application documents which can be downloaded here.

Nomination requirements

Download programme information and nomination documents

Selection procedure

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers

Initial Sponsorship

Alumni Sponsorship



Germany Short Term Fellowship

Thyssen-Humboldt Short-Term Fellowship

For law, economics and social science scholars from Latin America to facilitate specialist and regional networking. The research stay should take place between December and March in two consecutive years (divided up into two three month visits).

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation enable post-doctoral researchers from Latin America (list of countries), especially in the fields of law, economics and social sciences, to carry out academic projects of their own choice in Germany. The research work in Germany is scheduled to last a total of six months. This should be divided up into two visits taking place between December 2008 and March 2009 and December 2009 and March 2010 respectively. Once a year during this period (end of January 2009 and end of January 2010), a joint meeting on interdisciplinary exchange will be held for all the fellows to facilitate academic and regional networking. The research results will subsequently be published in a joint, multi-lingual anthology.

Applicants select their own academic research projects and their own hosts in Germany.

Preference will be given to applications proposing research in the following four areas:

l good governance und stable institutions

l political liability and democratisation

l development processes in Latin America and Europe: Progress and regress

Application Requirements

  1. Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than twelve years prior to the date of application. If it is not possible or customary to take a doctorate in the candidate's subject or country, an application may be submitted up to 16 years after completing a Master's or Diploma degree, provided that the publication record is commensurate with the candidate's career stage.
  2. The candidate's own research profile documented by a comprehensive list of academic publications for internationally-reviewed journals and publishing houses.
  3. Confirmation that research facilities are available and a detailed expert's report by an academic host at a research institution in Germany.
  4. Expert references from important collaborative partners and/or academics from the candidate's own institute and, if possible, from abroad.
  5. Language skills: applicants must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully (German language certificate required); otherwise a good knowledge of English is required (English language certificate required);
  6. Focal point of residence and employment in Latin America (see list of countries) ;

Candidates who have already been sponsored by the Humboldt Foundation are not eligible to apply for this programme and should submit applications for further research visits through the Humboldt Foundation's Alumni Programme.

Application requirements

Download programme information and application documents

Selection procedure

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers


Germany Fellowship Postdoctoral Reserchers

Georg Forster Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers

For academics from developing countries to do a research project relevant to development policy which, being carried out in Germany, facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technologies to developing countries. Duration: 6 to 24 months plus a subsequent Return Fellowship lasting 12 months.

Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Georg Forster Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6−24 months) you have selected yourself in cooperation with an academic host you have selected yourself at a research institution in Germany.

Scientists and scholars from all disciplines from developing and threshold countries (excluding China, India and Turkey; c.f. detailed
list of countries) may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly at any time. The research proposal must address issues of significant relevance to the future development of your country of origin and, in this context, promise to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and methods to developing and threshold countries.

The Humboldt Foundation grants up to 60 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually.

Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed.

You can find other important information in the
Programme Information in the FAQ.

Application Requirements

  1. Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than four years prior to the date of application. Candidates who have nearly completed their doctoral degrees are eligible to apply provided that they submit the manuscript of their dissertation or publications containing the results of their dissertation.
  2. Academic publications in reviewed journals and for publishing houses.
  3. Choice of a research project of major relevance to the future development of the candidate's country of origin, including options for transferring knowledge and methods.
  4. Confirmation that research facilities are available and a detailed expert's report from an academic host at a research institution in Germany; details of the research project and the proposed timetable must be discussed with the prospective host prior to application.
  5. Expert references from the doctoral supervisor and other academics qualified to comment on the applicant's eligibility, preferably including reviewers not working at the applicant's own institute.
  6. Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.
  7. The applicant may not have spent an extended period in Germany prior to application. Applications to continue a research stay already underway can only be considered in exceptional cases. If in doubt, candidates who have been in Germany for more than six months at the time of application should check with the Humboldt Foundation ( whether formal requirements have been met before submitting an application.
  8. Principal place of residence and work in a developing or threshold country (excluding China, India and Turkey, c.f. list of countries).
  9. The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods

To apply, please only use the application documents which can be downloaded here.

Application requirements

Download programme information and application documents

List of countries

Selection procedure

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers

Initial Sponsorship

Alumni Sponsorship



Germany Fellowship Postdoctoral Reserchers

Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

From abroad to sponsor a 6 to 24 month research stay at a research institution in Germany

Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6-24 months) you have selected yourself in cooperation with an academic host you have selected yourself at a research institution in Germany.

Scientists and scholars of
all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly at any time. The Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 600 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually.

Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed. You can find other important information in the
programme information and FAQ.

Application requirements

  1. Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than four years prior to the date of application. Candidates who have nearly completed their doctoral degrees are eligible to apply provided that they submit the manuscript of their dissertation or publications containing the results of their dissertation.
  2. Academic publications in internationally-reviewed journals and for publishing houses.
  3. Confirmation that research facilities are available and a detailed expert's report by an academic host at a research institution in Germany. Details of the research project and the proposed timetable must be discussed with the prospective host prior to application.
  4. Expert references from the doctoral supervisor and other academics qualified to comment on the applicant's eligibility, preferably including reviewers not working at the applicant's own institute.
  5. Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.
  6. The applicant may not have spent an extended period in Germany prior to application. Applications to continue a research stay already underway can only be considered in exceptional cases. If in doubt, candidates who have been in Germany for more than six months at the time of application should consult the FAQs and check with the Humboldt Foundation ( whether formal requirements have been met before submitting an application.
  7. The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.

To apply, please only use the application documents which can be downloaded here.

Application requirements

Download programme information and application documents

Selection procedure

Information for hosts

Information for expert reviewers

Information for independent peer reviewers

Initial Sponsorship

Alumni Sponsorship



Friday, September 14, 2007

Singapore Research Scholarship NUS

NUS Research Scholarship


The awards are open to outstanding local and foreign university graduates of all nationalities who are admissible to Master's or Doctor of Philosophy's research degree programmes at the National University of Singapore.

Programmes of Study

The research programmes are available at all nine faculties at the University.

There are two intakes of candidates, in January and July/October. Applications for the January intake close on 15 May and applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications latest by 1 October. The closing date for the July/October intake is 15 December, and applicants will be notified latest by 1 May of the following year.

Value of Awards

The scholarships carry monthly stipends ranging from S$1200 or S$1,400 plus a research fee subsidy.

The scholarships are tenable for 1 year in the first instance and are renewable annually, subject to satisfactory progress. The maximum period of award is 2 years for master's and 3 years for Ph.D. candidates.

Additional stipend of up to S$500 monthly is awarded to selected candidates in the fields of research under the augmentation scheme sponsored by industry and professional bodies.

Successful candidates may be asked to assist in the work of the departments they are attached to. They can earn up to S$16000 (gross) per annum at the current rate remuneration.

Applicants may also write to the relevant Faculty at the address given below, for information.

(Note: Non-local candidates can get assistance in accommodation and immigration matters.)

Application Form

For application form and further information, please write to:

The Registrar
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent
Singapore 119260
Telefax: 7786371

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