Konrad Adenauer Research Award for Canadian scholars in the humanities and social sciences
For a Canadian humanities scholar at the peak of her or her career. One award annually. The award winner is invited to spend a period of six to twelve months on academic collaboration with specialist colleagues in Germany. Award amount: 60,000 EUR
On the occasion of his visit to the University of Toronto in 1988, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Helmut Kohl, announced the establishment of the Konrad Adenauer Research Award. The Award, created to promote academic collaboration between Canada and the Federal Repulic of Germany, is available to be awarded annually to a Canadian scholar in the humanities or social sciences. The Award is presented to honour the scholar's entire academic record. The recipient is invited to carry out a research project of his/her choice in Germany, in cooperation with German colleagues, for a period of up to one year. The Award can amount up to EUR 60,000.
The initiative to bestow the Konrad Adenauer Research Award in any given year must be taken by Canadian universities and/or research institutions. Nomination information and documentation is available from the Royal Society of Canada on-line and upon request. A selection committee is struck by the Society and the University of Toronto to make pre-selection recommendations from among the nominations submitted. The final decision lies with the selection committee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, who are responsible for the granting of research awards. It should be noted that self-nominations are not accepted