TransCoop Programme
To sponsor German-American/Canadian research collaboration in the humanities, social sciences, economics and law over a period of up to three years
Maximal sponsorship: 55,000 EUR.
In the context of the TransCoop Programme, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supports transatlantic research cooperation between German, American and/or Canadian scholars in the humanities, social sciences, economics, and law. Joint research initiatives can receive up to 55,000 EUR over a three-year period. Prerequisite is that the American and/or Canadian partners raise matching funds equalling at least the amount granted by TransCoop.
Funds can be used to finance short-term research visits lasting up to three months, to organise conferences and workshops, for material and equipment and printing costs, as well as for a limited amount of research assistance. Up to 15 p.c. of the TransCoop funds granted can be earmarked for the German partner institution and used as an administrative lump-sum.
Application Requirements
- The programme provides for research collaboration between German, American and/or Canadian scholars in the humanities, social sciences, economics or law.
- The partners must hold at least one doctoral degree and be able to document active involvement in research. There is no age limit. The partners must be affiliated to a research institution in their respective countries for the duration of the project.
- The American and/or Canadian partner must prove that he/she can raise matching funds equalling at least the amount applied for in the context of TransCoop funding. The following institutions (PDF) have provided matching funds in the past.
Download Programme Information and Application Documents